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Mermaids meeting of Aquanauten Karlsruhe "Wölfle"
On Sunday, 06/19/2016 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the Aquanauten Karlsruhe-Durlach e.V. jointly organizing the "Wölfle", the pool in the Karlsruhe district Wolfartsweier occasion of the nationwide day diving the second Baden-Württembergische Mermaids meeting.
Invited are all interested mermaids and men and all who would like to try as such under the expert guidance itself. There are costumes and monofins in different sizes.
For the perfect outfit, a make-up station with water make-up provides. The entry fee is 5 EUR and 2.50 EUR with private costume / monofin. From the event begins at 13:00 and admission is free in Wölfle. Children and young people who want to participate in taster Meermaiding, require consent of their guardians.
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Item number: N50:0214c014